UK Sustainable School Leadership Survey 2024

The UK Sustainable School Leadership Survey is part of a major three-year study across the four UK nations. The research concentrates on the recruitment, training, and retention of school leaders, and considers diversity, equity, quality, and fitness for the future of leadership. 

This unique, UK-wide survey will provide powerful insights into the current state of leadership and will inform policy and practice. Find out more here.

UK Sustainable School Leadership Survey 2024

Who is this survey for?

Please share your experiences as a senior or middle leader in school or in a cross-school role (such as a Local Authority or Multi-Academy Trust) about your experience of recruitment, development and support as well as what drains and sustains you in your role.

The survey focuses on your experiences of, and views on, contemporary school leadership. This includes questions relating to your role, career, identity, wellbeing and experiences.

This survey is primarily designed for school leaders who work mainly in a single school. However, if you are a leader in a trust, local authority, or other school support organisation working across multiple settings you are still encouraged to participate. You will receive questions relevant to your role and leadership, but not about a specific school.

Completing the survey


06 November 2024