Controlled education sector
The controlled education sector is the largest, most diverse education sector in Northern Ireland comprising 49% of all schools across all phases: nursery, special, primary, secondary, grammar, integrated and Irish medium schools. Read more about controlled schools success here.
It is:
- diverse in provision and governance
- inclusive in making provision for children and young people from all backgrounds
- aspirational in seeking to provide the best possible education.
Breakdown of controlled schools by type (2022/23):
- 148,065 pupils attend controlled schools
- 58% of pupils in controlled schools are Protestant, 11% are Catholic, 32% are ‘other’
- 44% of newcomer pupils in Northern Ireland attend controlled schools
- 28% of pupils attending controlled schools are entitled to free school meals.
Controlled schools are managed by the Education Authority through Boards of Governors.
Source: DE School Census 2022/23