Controlled education sector

Wheatfield PS School of Sanctuary 2021

The controlled education sector is the largest, most diverse education sector in Northern Ireland comprising 49% of all schools across all phases: nursery, special, primary, secondary, grammar, integrated and Irish medium schools.  Controlled schools are open to all, welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none. They are richly diverse and inclusive, reflective of and embedded in their local communities.

The ethos of controlled schools emphasises the importance of providing high-quality education for all pupils within the local community, regardless of their religious background, ability or socioeconomic status. They strive to create welcoming and inclusive learning environments that nurture understanding, respect, and a sense of belonging. Controlled schools are managed by the Education Authority.

Read more about controlled schools success here.

It is:

  • diverse in provision and governance
  • inclusive in making provision for children and young people from all backgrounds
  • aspirational in seeking to provide the best possible education.

Breakdown of controlled schools by type (2023/24):

  • 148,431 pupils attend controlled schools
  • 45% of newcomer pupils in Northern Ireland attend controlled schools
  • 28% of pupils attending controlled schools are entitled to free school meals.

Controlled schools are managed by the Education Authority through Boards of Governors.


Source: DE School Census 2023/24