"The Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) invites Governors of controlled schools to participate in development sessions regarding ethos in controlled schools.
CSSC development modules in the 2024/25 academic year, aim to support Governors of controlled schools as they contribute to school ethos.
Each session will focus on a unique aspect of ethos in controlled schools as described below. The Modules are virtual events and Governors of controlled schools can choose to attend as many as they wish.”
Governors and Ethos Three (Supporting Whole School Resilience) This Module considers how Trauma Informed Approaches support the resilience of children and young people. The importance of relationships and the presence of an emotionally available adult is explored as well as the impact of PACE approaches in supporting children and young people (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy). Governors are encouraged to consider how a culture of safety and support can be provided for staff thus supporting the emotional health wellbeing and resilience of the adults who work with pupils.
Duration: 45 Minutes
Delivery: Online session
Date: Tuesday 18 February 2025 (7.00 - 7.45pm) registration open - book here.