Rathcoole Primary School – Forest School is in session

As a Champion Forest school, Rathcoole Primary School and Nursery Unit has worked alongside Brian Poots, Northern Ireland Forest School Association (NIFSCA) for several years, with Emma Quinn, Principal and Louise McLean (SENCo and Nurture) as the Forest School Leaders. "Forest School" is based on a Scandinavian idea that considers children's contact with nature to be extremely important from an early age.

Rathcoole PS and NU Forest School

This year the school has set a challenge of training all members of staff, this began with the Primary 1 and Primary 2 children. Louise McLean led the outdoor art session, where the children investigated texture, colour and painting with natural materials. 

Primary 1 to Primary 7 have all had their first outdoor lessons with lots more planned over the coming term. 

Rathcoole Primary School and Nursery Unit, as an Outdoor learning school, value the positive benefits that getting outdoors has on both children and staff. 

Emma Quinn, Principal, Rathcoole Primary School and Nursery Unit commented,

“Our school motto of "Nurture. Inspire. Flourish" is embedded in everything we do. Outdoor learning really does nurture and inspire the children to flourish. I would encourage anyone, who hasn't already, to give it a go!  You won't look back.”

For more information on Forest Schools https://www.forestschoolawards.org/


6 November 2020