GeoGebra is interactive software that brings together geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing, statistics and calculus, and is used to enrich problem solving.
Run as part of CSSC’s international Erasmus+ project, the three day event took place in Bangor Academy and Sixth Form College, on Monday 25, Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 June 2018.
Kirsten Søs Spahn from Professionshøjskolen UCC Denmark and Dr Mark Prendergast from Trinity College Dublin led sessions for Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 teachers based around GeoGebra.
CSSC School Support Officer Jill Brown, who is leading on the project said,
We were keen for teachers to have time to explore GeoGebra and to develop their skills and confidence to use it in their everyday practice.
Used appropriately, GeoGebra technology will aid the teacher in developing conceptual understanding and mathematical reasoning in their pupils.
We are sure that after the sessions, teachers will also feel confident in disseminating their new technology skills to colleagues.
Jonny Hall from Kilcooley Primary School one of CSSC partner schools in the project said
It has been amazing to learn how to bring investigating shape and space to life using GeoGebra. This will enhance the problem solving opportunities for my pupils in a very engaging way.
Jemma McAlonan from Bangor Academy and Sixth Form College added
GeoGebra is a great resource to learn more about as teachers. We are keen to develop our learning on it and to embed it into schemes of work and every day teaching.
27 June 2018