Grange Park Primary forms hub with local schools
We continue with the CSSC series of news stories on schools while they operate in varied and exceptional circumstances. This week we hear from Mandy White, Principal, Grange Park Primary School.
Their venture .....
Grange Park Primary School in Bangor is part of a hub with local schools, Clandeboye Primary School and Kilcooley Primary School.
Following lockdown we were unsure how to support our key worker children due to a small number of applications. With only one child booked in on certain days, it seemed unfair to the pupil for whom it was a very long day but we wanted to play our part and provide for our parents.
I approached Clandeboye Primary School who were keen to come on board along with Kilcooley Primary School.
We alternate the hub weekly between Grange Park and Clandeboye which means that the cleaning staff and building supervisors of both schools work every other week.
The three Principals wanted to make the children as comfortable as possible during these difficult times. It was agreed that there would always be at least one member of staff from each school in attendance.
Parents "book" in the week before and the Principals organise a rota for cover which is shared between classroom assistants and teachers from each school.
The children are supported in their remote learning which each school has set and are provided with technology where necessary. Great use has been made of the outside space which facilitates social distancing and the good weather has meant that we are often able to eat and play outside.
It has been lovely to see friendships form across the different schools and we are indebted to all of the staff who continue to play their part in this pandemic providing a safe learning space for our key worker children.
21 May 2020