One of CSSC’s key purposes is to address the historical deficit of support for controlled schools and Mark outlined the organisation’s strategy moving into the next Council term. He highlighted the diverse nature of controlled schools which are open to all faiths and none. The strategy is to challenge and support the Education Authority (EA), as the managing authority of controlled schools, to be the best managing authority it can possibly be. This coincides with an important period politically and the ongoing Independent Review of Education. EA and CSSC must work together to ensure that equality of support for controlled schools is delivered.
He referred to the challenges faced by the EA as both managing authority for controlled schools and the wider service provider to all schools, however he reiterated the challenges must be overcome to ensure that there is equality across all sectors.
The Minister of Education thanked the CSSC Cross Organisational Link Officers (COLO) for their work in supporting her top priority which is keeping children in school. She highlighted how much she values the role of CSSC as an advocate and commended CSSC Officers for their contribution to area planning.
Thank you to Dunclug Nursery School and Banbridge High School for their performances.
Congratulations to Sharon Carew, Belfast Metropolitan College, the Award recipient of the CSSC Award in Excellence in Education Research which was announced at the AGM.
Photo caption: Dr Andrew Brown, Vice Chair, CSSC and Michelle McIlveen MLA, Minister of Education at CSSC’s fifth AGM which took place on 18 November 2021.
22 November 2021