Could you be a governor in a controlled school?

Applications are now open for those interested in becoming a Governor in a controlled school.

The controlled sector is the largest, most diverse education sector comprising 49% of all schools across all phases: nursery, special, primary, secondary, grammar, integrated & Irish-medium schools.  Controlled schools are #OpenToAll, welcoming children and young people of all faiths and now, richly diverse and inclusive, reflective of and embedded in the communities they serve.  Governors have an important role in developing and leading ethos in controlled schools. 

Could you be a governor in a controlled school?

The Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) is the sectoral support body for controlled schools in Northern Ireland.  CSSC's vision is to empower controlled schools to serve their communities by enriching the lives of their children and young people. 

As the term of office for existing Governors is coming to an end this process will identify people with a range of skills and experience to support the management of controlled schools across Northern Ireland.

Controlled schools are #OpenToAll, welcoming children and young people of all faiths and none, richly diverse and inclusive, reflective of and embedded in the communities they serve. Governors in controlled schools will reflect the diverse and inclusive nature of the sector representing a wide range of people from various backgrounds with different skills and experiences.

Applicants interested in applying to become a school Governor in a controlled school can apply via Education Authority website here or Department of Education website here.

Additional content will be published on the Department of Education NI and Education Authority websites and social media platforms and support the campaign by sharing social media posts/tweets.

You can follow the ‘Governor Reconstitution’ conversation on social media, including Twitter / X by following @education_ni and @Ed_Authority and by using the #schoolgovNI campaign hashtag.

Hear more in the video below from current Governors in controlled schools about their experiences of the role as well as the rewards it brings.


Other useful links

School Governor Appointments | Department of Education ( 

Current controlled school governors share their experience