Congratulations to Beryl on retirement after almost 33 years’ service

Congratulations to Beryl Beggs on her retirement. Beryl was the lunch time supervisor at Rathcoole Primary School and Nursery Unit completing nearly 33 years’ service.

Rathcoole PS and NU Beryl's retirement

Emma Quinn, Principal recalled how Beryl was in position when she began her teaching placement 22 years ago and it has been her privilege to work alongside Beryl over their years together.

Taking retirement during these demanding times has been an unusual experience for Beryl. Despite not being able to have the usual party and celebrations, the children were able to wave goodbye and wish Beryl all the best. Amidst tears and laughter, Beryl spent her final lunch time, not working but with a cup of tea sharing fond memories. 

The school will miss Beryl’s special kindness as she knows each and every child in the school, bringing along presents for each child's birthday, letting the school know if someone isn't eating right or if a child has shared a worry. Beryl has always had the best interests of the children at heart and all of the messages on the school Facebook that parents and pupils have sent in, only reiterate that Beryl will be sadly missed. 

Emma Quinn, Principal, Rathcoole Primary School and Nursery Unit shared,

“We wish her all the best in her retirement. Good luck Beryl and thank you for your commitment, time and energy that you have dedicated to your local community primary school.”


3 November 2020