Bike art challenge, VE Day celebrations and pirates!
Staff and pupils at Cooley Primary School and Nursery Unit, Sixmilecross have been displaying their creative flair during the Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown.
In every age group including nursery, pupils have been keeping busy.
The younger children have been designing their own pirate ships and treasure maps and are ready to set sail!
Pupils throughout the school took part in the Sustrans Active School Travel programme by designing bicycles made from household items – known as the bike art challenge.
Mrs Karen Atchison, Principal, has been setting weekly tasks including designing a medal for the 75th anniversary of VE Day and writing a letter describing experiences of lockdown to a special friend or family member who they are missing.
‘Lockdown’ in Cooley Primary School and Nursery Unit hasn’t stopped pupils and teachers from keeping in contact and there has been regular communication between staff and school families.
Staff came together via social media and created a collage with a very special message to all the school community.
20 May 2020