Ballymena Primary School learning in lockdown

All schools were faced with the need to adapt quickly to new pedagogies when schools were closed for the majority of pupils on 20 March 2020 due to the global pandemic.

Ballymena Primary School photo and logo

At Ballymena Primary School the staff, parents and pupils pulled together to create home learning stations, online lessons and projects aimed at ensuring pupils continued to have access to the curriculum whilst engaged in remote learning.

As well as daily literacy and numeracy lessons, children enjoyed a range of learning activities including STEAM challenges, history topics, exploring aspects of spring and learning about pirates.

The whole school completed kindness challenges for Mental Health week and all families took part in a 5k challenge. Every pupil, alongside their family, had to walk, run, skip, cycle or move in whichever way they chose for 5k that week. The school raised over £900 for the charity NSPCC to help vulnerable children at this time.

The learning was sustained, while sports days were organised in open fields, parks and back yards, fitting in with family circumstances but providing the same activities and fun for all. Virtual trips continued with one class going to Egypt for a virtual tour!

Elaine Ritchie, Principal, Ballymena Primary School commented,

“It was definitely challenging to get things organised and staff ready for online learning before lockdown, but the staff, parents and pupils have been nothing short of amazing at adapting to new ways of learning and they have risen to the challenges presented like the professionals they are. Many have totally transformed their ICT skills and have developed clear routines and feedback to pupils. Everyone has enjoyed a form of contact outside their homes from the school and we will be keen to build on what we have learned to upskill our pupils even more. 

“I couldn’t be prouder of everyone in our school community who have worked so well together and created optimum learning conditions for children and adults alike in what were the most difficult of circumstances.”


1 September 2020