The Eco-Schools Programme is the world’s largest environmental education programme and aims to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of a school. Its participatory approach and combination of learning and action makes it an ideal way for schools to begin improving the environments of schools and their local communities.
The internationally recognised Green Flag is the highest award given to Eco Schools and symbolises excellence in the field of environmental activity.
The Eco team in the school which was led by Mr. D Lynch, undertook a range of topics and activities to help their local environment. This included activities such as encouraging every child to run or walk a mile each day, collecting litter in the local environment and organising an Eco day in school. This accolade was particularly special during these unprecedented times and shows the dedication of the lead teacher, Mr Derek Lynch, in continuing to work on this application during school closure with the ultimate successful end result.
Eco-Schools work through a simple seven step process resulting in the programme becoming central to the school's ethos. Schools can choose from ten eco topics ranging from litter and waste to energy, biodiversity and transport to name a few. Eco Schools work towards achieving awards to include bronze, silver and the prestigious Green Flag.
The school extends their thanks to everyone who helped them throughout the year and particularly all the teachers and pupils for showing great enthusiasm. Well done to all the boys and girls on the school Eco-team.
3 November 2020