Aware NI visit Limavady High School on World Mental Health Day

Congratulations to Year 13 pupils at Limavady High School on completion of the Mood Matters course. Catherine McColgan, Education and Training Officer, Aware NI visited the school to make this special presentation to pupils and Mr Darren Mornin, Principal, Limavady High School.

LHS visit from Aware NI

As part of the Mood Matters course, pupils explored and looked at what mental health is, things that affect mental health, how lockdown impacted mental health, signs and symptoms of stress/depression, and how to look after your mental health.

This was a very beneficial course for pupils to participate in, especially on World Mental Health Day.

Many pupils joined in with the ‘Wear Something Yellow’ theme to help brighten a school day. 

Julie Craig, Science Teacher and PR Officer, Limavady High School commented,

“What does ‘brighten’ mean? To add colour, light, or cheer. We hope our pupils’ efforts of wearing something yellow will help to add colour, light or cheer to you too!”


3 November 2020