The CSSC Ethos and Leadership Programme is aligned with the Department of Education’s school improvement policy, Every School a Good School (2009) and Strategy for Teacher Professional Learning, Learning Leaders (2016).
Additionally, CSSC has taken account of the characteristics of effective practice and self-evaluation questions within the Education and Training Inspectorate’s (ETI) Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework (ISEF) (2017) and the ongoing development of inspection by ETI as part of their Quality Improvement Strategy. The five Core Questions, Contributory Areas and Associated Indicators published in Analysis of the responses from the Education and Training Inspectorate’s consultation on the development of inspection (21 August 2023) together with ISEF, reinforce the centrality of ethos, vision, mission and values.
The CSSC Ethos and Leadership Programme through a leading ethos lens aims to contribute to aspects of personal development as well as that of the school. The programme provides incrementally progressive options which acknowledge the various stages of development for controlled schools on their ethos journey.
CSSC strives to support controlled schools throughout their ethos development journey acknowledging that school improvement and raising standards is not a short-term fix but requires a vision for the desired outcomes, strategic planning and sustained effort. Teacher Professional Learning should be identified within the School Development Plan (SDP) and linked to the school’s priorities over a three-year period. This provides a strategic mechanism to not only introduce new concepts and innovative practices, but facilitates their development, monitoring and embedding within the life of the school.
CSSC encourages you to look at the range of modules available and consider what is appropriate for your personal ethos journey and also your school.
Whilst modules are grouped in themes and can be interrelated you may choose from any of the programme modules as a stand-alone item, as we realise that schools are at different stages on their ethos and school improvement journey.
There is no cost for the programme modules for controlled schools which are facilitated within your school or with a cluster of schools. The Building Capacity Programme, which is centre-based, may require schools to provide substitute cover.