Governors and Ethos Five (TIP Part 1) 

06 February 2024 - 19:00 - 06 February 2024 - 19:45


Open to all controlled schools
Governor development

Provides governors with an overview of how trauma informed practice can enrich a school’s ethos representing an approach which supports all children and young people.  The session will provide a definition of trauma and adverse childhood experiences and explore the health and wellbeing impacts and behaviour that children may present with in the classroom.  This module provides an overview of the Safeguarding Board Northern Ireland’s Level 2 training that CSSC can provide for schools and is recommended for the governors of schools considering or in the process of developing a trauma informed approach.  

Duration: 45 Minutes

Delivery: Online session

Date: 6 February 2024

Register at Eventbrite to confirm your attendance at Governor and Ethos Five (TIP Part 1)

Register your expression of interest to attend event as part of Ethos and Leadership programme here.

Full Ethos and Leadership programme details here.