Hart Memorial Primary School prioritises wellbeing

Hart Memorial Primary School in Portadown has been supporting the health and wellbeing of their pupils in these changed times. The school has introduced creative opportunities to help keep children active, fit and healthy, ensuring no child is left behind.

Peter Weir visiting Hart Memorial School, Portadown

In current circumstances it is challenging to deliver the recommended time of PE in school per week. The school has worked hard to find solutions in delivering physical activities, to help make each child happier and healthier. 

Miss Shipley, Principal, Hart Memorial Primary School said,

“We have been using a digital programme called Healthy Kidz since returning to school in August. The range of activities to choose from are not just fun and get the children engaged; but are educational and curriculum focused.”

The school benefits as this can be used both in school and remotely, producing informative reports for teachers, parents and Board of Governors showing children’s progress.


7 October 2020